How to configure Expanse on Metamask?

Metamask is the way to integrate your Expanse wallet to Eggswap and one of the most important questions is how to configure it, first you need to add the Extension on Chrome Browser.

Step 1

Go to the

Step 2

Step 3

Click “Add to Chrome” in the upper right.

Step 4

Click “Add Extension” to complete the installation.

Step 5

Step 6

Enter a password and click “Create” to create your wallet.

Step 7

You will see a set of 12 “seed words” for your vault. Please save them.

Step 8

Click “I’ve Copied It Somewhere Safe” once your seed words file has been secured. You’ll be taken into your Metamask wallet!

Step 9

Click on the Ethereum mainnet and then Custom RPC and enter this information for Expanse:

  • Name: Expanse

  • Chainid – 2

  • Symbol – EXP

  • Block Explore URL –

Step 10

Last updated